Today, I developed the idea that answered a long-standing question, as to why Blogger's text-Hypertext Markup editor is so slow. (This problem only made its appearance when HTML5 was implemented a few years ago.)
I understood that it was not my computer or the browser's fault, as I could, on the next tab, use another text editor on another site like, Jonathan Hedley's 'HTML Tidy' and things would perform perfectly there.
But, as soon as I'd be back to the tab with Blogger's text editor things would run like molasses again.
My laptop's fan, which told me my machine was running hot on that tab, gave me a clue as to why. (There must be some background elements that were running for nothing!)
Although there was only text and elements on the page, there seemed to of been some something unseen going on that was getting worse as the page got longer.
At around 500 lines the text editor became unworkable.
So first, I disabled the 'Grammarly' extension on my Firefox Browser and this did not help.
Since I was writing about the much-misunderstood subject of ‘Thermodynamics’, The page, therefore, contained many hyperlinks at the very beginning to help readers understand what it was I talking about, since many basic terms in Thermodynamics and systems are not part of the colloquial language or are in the common syntax.
So, while attempting to make things simple for readers, I was making thing too complicated regarding the mechanics of the implementation of the newer HTML5 and XHTML. Judging from the source page generated by Firefox I see that all the links were in some way active, but this was not the case when HTML 4.01 was the standard Hypertext Markup Language (which only existed during the inception of this website). Then, links were shown but they were not functional. (now I see why an HTML5 page is not declared since, in theory, it emphasizes hyperlinks and not hypertext, so they don't need to be declared!)
I surmised that when I published the page, (necessary for checking the hyperlinks) the hyperlinks were actually connected in some way to the site indicated, even without any clicking/tapping or mouseover.
I wondered what would happen if I reverted the page back to “Draft” and only used the “Preview” application. This way no links on the draft page would be active or functional. This was always undesirable since this type of page is essentially just a photograph and it only concerns itself with design and placement of elements. There is no way for me to check any active attributes within the HTML elements or any Hyperlinks.
When I see Hypertext Markup, I already ‘ ’see“ ” the page and don't need Blogger, or Chrome or Firefox to show me what the page will look like.
I love it when an idea shows up in my head and imagination, and it just makes everything right again.
Here's Blogger's Text editor with nothing running in the background (except Grammarly) and in no way connected with the outside world! Things are back to normal!
As for the need to check the links, active attributes and elements: This only requires a change in protocol where I would only check them when the document is published.
Thanks for reading!
GP duBerger
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