by GP duBerger
The Universe is not Protestant, or Catholic, or Islamic, or
Buddhist etc. etc.
from Part 4 Romantic and Byron-like
Sufficiencies and Equivalencies.htm
The more we bask in the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and
its Principles, the more things become clear that have and do
affect our lives and we see how things will affect our
existence in the future. It is like taking a bath and the water
becomes clearer each time you bathe in it. First, this talk
about the "fabric of space", is an intolerable oxymoron and
must not even be used as an example for any descriptive
involving 'Space' under any circumstances. Space is space
that's it, that's all and there is nothing that can affect it.
There is no equivalency anywhere in any logic or philosophy
besides madness that connects these things (fabric and space)
together among other things that I will discuss on this page.
This is like Maxwell's 'Luminiferous Aether' except that this
would apply for gravity.
If you believe that it's a 'fabric', or whatever, you should go
somewhere else and forget this website and forget artistic
philosophy; I'm just going to get on your nerves beyond this
point on (if I haven't already), or go back and start from the
beginning, in HTML'S MAGIC pages 'Extreme Cold Part 1' to
rediscover everything you've forgotten already and truly
experience the power of society, in how it programs individual
human beings with interference and saturates
people with media to the point of non-absorption of simple and
truthful things that help people help themselves; Thermal
Equilibrium being one of them. You will find familiar pages yet
feel you are reading everything for the first time because that
is the experience for those who have been programmed because
people are not machines and they also have a central nervous
system that definitely reacts to interference.
Interference can come in many forms from waiting in line and
having to be subjected to horrible music while waiting and then
it plays in your head when your out of the store or the waiting
room, to having bad nuclear reactors that vaporize that should
not be there in the first place and then you get cancer, when
there are better designs that would never explode. Or having
overbearing spouses, parents or peers etc. that put their
business in your affairs. This is the nature of interference,
is in its time-overlapping qualities that make it a useful tool
for society to keep the population perpetually stressed, off
balanced and frustrated enough to look for a variety of
displacement activities or remedies, most of which have to be
paid for.
Society has a bad habit of always looking at the symptoms and
never the cause when it comes to people, but when it comes to
science, religion it is the opposite and this puts the life as
the blame for everything bad and god, science or systems for
everything good and beautiful. That's why I made it a point to
not put hardly any mathematical artefact anywhere, in these
articles, so everyone can understand this, because I despise
the modern scientists, mathematicians and intellectuals and
their exclusive societies and this is written for the everyday
man and woman or kid.
Besides, modern mathematics cannot explain the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics as is too in a lot of quantum, classical and
particle physics because all modern mathematics are closed
systems. Their so called "unsolved mysteries" and "unsolved
problems" only means that they haven't figured out yet how to
put these things in closed or isolated systems.
The point, here, is that physics and mathematics need ideas
but ideas don't need physics or mathematics, and never have
either. which puts everybody in the driver's seat for this
occasion. I'm not saying that mathematics is bad either but it
certainly cannot explain the Universe nor is mathematics the
language of Nature either but more a grotesque conceit that is
held by physicists and cosmologists and not by mathematicians
themselves. Mathematics is a tool for these sorts and they
should refrain from making philosophical statements about maths
and Nature and confine their gibberish announcements to
cosmology and theory.
of Remains of the Superconducting Super Collider as
mentioned by Sheldon Glashow in Vernam's Cipher on Sept
2012 after discussing super-strings, relating how the
United States are bad international partners in science
since many nations who helped finance this collider lost
their money (which is probably not true). The U.S. will
ultimately pay a price for this kind of behaviour by their
federal government.
I'm not saying what the U.S. government did was bad on the
whole, I'm stating that they should never of made these
commitments in the first place and create an irate
situation. The U.S. government could of dispensed entirely
with their "scientific advisers" and intellectuals if they
knew about the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, which is all
the advice one needs for anyone of any education when
pursuing any course in any action.
click on picture to see more pictures.
Fair Use
This weaving of warp and woof brings back Aristotle and
religion as all these different things they invent, in the end,
makes for a pretty bizarre universe, where one wonders how all
these things work together Thermodynamically. Clue: You will
not find any of these things ever represented in fine art and
you will find tons done by Photoshop illustrators especially
from European, North Korean, Chinese Space Agencies and
privately owned and controlled universities and think
As a matter a fact, not believing in these things and
criticizing them simply because they have nothing to do with
Thermodynamics enrages them (as has been my experience) because
here one is not using religion to criticize. This is like
pulling the carpet from under them and watching them tumble and
fall flat on their faces and anyone with a basic awareness of
thermodynamics and its systems can ask the simplest questions
that stop these fantasists dead in their tracks.
These ideas have absolutely nothing to do with science or
philosophy but with manipulation. It is like connecting the
ideas Good and Evil and associating those things with religion
or morals, when they are not, but are part of philosophy
instead. For society to even remotely arbitrate and govern
morals in the first place is itself a joke because that is not
the purpose of any society.
There is no scientist, mathematician or intellectual who can
argue against the Laws of Thermodynamics and the most damaging
one of them all to modern physics and cosmology is the Zeroth
Law of Thermodynamics, which is why it is never discussed or
mentioned anywhere and not used by even religious sorts either,
because it is extremely damaging to any dogma of any organized
religion or, even, any corrupt political party of any kind and
provides direct proofs in an equivalent formula (A = C) why
things should exist and why things should be rid of that can
easily be applied into law or legislation, which will never
happen in our present and corrupt society for obvious reasons
that are themselves equivalent to the people who make laws and
govern society. The answer is already part of the question
or A = C.
Theoretical/particle physicists are supported by governments,
powerful legal entities and the corrupt Nobel Prize Committee
(because they replace thermodynamics as a standard to judge
science by creating a political/economic entity instead). They
provide the same promises as Merlin and astrologers did for
similar types (the powerful and grasping) in the past, and
produce practically the same product.
There are no laboratory experiments or mathematical proofs in
existence to support any of these things. The idea that space
can be displaced by planets, stars, and galaxies etc., like a
boat on the ocean has yet to be proven by demonstrating where
the displaced space, itself, goes to as they try to demonstrate
that this causes it's effect upon light which is equivalent in
saying that space, itself, has wave properties, or is a liquid
like water or some form of gas. Space is not a system but a
thing. If this is so, then, what is a liquid or gas, and what
occupies what?
Translated into closed or isolated system think/speak: Space is
an open system container for all things, which
unfortunately includes bad scientist, mathematician,
philosophers and intellectuals, and those that support them,
where ironically they are as much about any experiment as the
physical experiment itself and become equivalent to the society
they create in the first place, where if we also consider the
pollution, the wars, the instability of the international
economy and politics etc. etc., these things only exist because
they reflect the quality of the authorities and intellectuals
in an equivalent manner.
Secondly, like the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics,
particle/theoretical physicists, cosmologists and intellectuals
never discuss/reveal that light travels across the Universe,
only as transverse waves (see also:
Electromagnetic radiation) and
the physics required of this particular deployment of
photons and waves, requires that space, itself, be more
solid and stronger than the hardest metal we know of, and
this must exist everywhere. It is only in mediums such as
that, where S-waves and sine waves can be transmitted
and maintain their integrity and properties such as these
animations attempt to demonstrate. Matter travels through
space effortlessly because matter, too, has wave
properties and this is possible (movement through a solid)
because matter contains residual fields from other
dimensions and infinities that existed before any kind of
creation story, where they would become impossible to
detect in today's Universe but display their universal
properties nevertheless up to a point through quantum and
classical, mechanics; with the same characteristics as
electromagnetic energy radiation in our magnitude; below a
certain point in classical mechanics. As you can tell, the
S-waves being transmitted across the flat table medium are
perfectly transmitted and the waves, themselves, should be
viewed as quantum fields of varying probability of
influence and those probabilities are roughly indicated by
the shape of the grids; but imagine if there were
impurities or different types of materials making up this
medium, or was at different temperatures in random areas,
or this material was just a piece of silk, or the material
was heated or there were other waves travelling through
the solid medium, would they not interfere and not show
up, even, in Newtonian Mechanics?
It is a certainty that so called "gravity waves" do not
exist because different masses don't interfere with each other
in an equivalent manner concerning any kind of wave
displacement known so far to actually exist, nor can they be
reflected or refracted.
In this example of a Sine Wave, the same resonances of S waves
apply and these two kind of waves will travel only through a
solid. Yet, we, as matter, and everything else including all
kinds of particles and waves pass though space effortlessly
anywhere and in any direction in the Universe. That's because
there is actually no such thing as movement, especially moving
in time; there is only motion and transmission which is why,
also, the laws of physics can be countermanded by thermal
equilibrium, as demonstrated in HTML'S MAGIC 'Extreme Cold'.
When you move anything, including yourself you are transmitting
yourself or an object from one location to another but there
will always be something that is sufficiently equivalent to its
original location and the "original" location is also something
to consider as having something original before that, and the
same goes in the opposite direction towards the future.
Wave your arms above your head and imagine that you are
actually transmitting
(not moving) trillions of probabilities of different
waves, ideas and forces within trillions of other
probabilities across a solid substance harder than the
strongest metal known to exist. This makes perfect sense
that space is like a super-solid because then there would
be no probabilities in the first place if everything was
in motion and transmitting itself elsewhere incoherently.
The probabilities of a super-solid are like the
probabilities of Nothing or space, or they are
equivalent, statistically and otherwise. Nothing also has
the advantage of being the same everywhere, therefore
something that exists must have equivalent properties in
a sufficient manner to nothing, and this we can call
The Universe is not an illusion; it is more than an illusion.
The meta-truth lies in that it takes three steps (see step
method in HTML'S MAGIC 'Extreme Cold') to move anywhere
physically in the Universe, not two — and that is how any
physical movement occurs in the universe i.e. from A to C, not
A to B. Those that only go from A to B are going nowhere but
those that go to C through B from A are the ones who are truly
moving physically and doing other things besides. That's the
difference between movement and motion, which has yet to be
defined in science proper where existence itself is always on
the move, otherwise it goes nowhere and may as well not exist,
which equivalency will find and create its destruction or
This is not to say that space is a solid but to say that space
and/or "Nothing' is equivalent in Thermodynamics in properties
and through this equivalence, shares properties in
thermodynamics as much as thermodynamics shares properties of
"Nothing' or space since the Universe has heat, which they call
the electromagnetic background radiation or open system entropy
because if it did not have this equivalence type of heat, light
would stop as demonstrated by Lene Hau's experiments. (google highlighted
So with a brain that is already imprinted with the childish
concept of "the miraculous" through religion and where a god,
also, creates solid things as in any kind of genesis recounts,
we find that religious literature has got everything upside
down, and puts the cart before the horse, and even lowers the
qualities of god itself; or this should not be so bizarre or
counter-intuitive that matter has wavelike properties and
space/nothing has properties of a substance because they exist
in any system where Existence, itself, extends beyond the reach
of any known, and, now, laughable philosophy and its history
past Socrates.
This means that Nothing existed before god, yet it is
impossible to deny the existence of 'Nothing' as an entity
itself before god because it shares properties with
thermodynamics and matter in an equivalent state, —
therefore the god of today or the gods they described in the
past do not exist because only Space/Nothing and Thermodynamics
can create Matter. If there is any god it's name would be: A =
B and B = C, so A = C but that is no good for marketing
purposes, when it comes to sell things to simple folk and the
ignorant to manipulate them into giving up their cash.
If the gods or god did exist, they were custodians and
custodianship does not merit worship of any kind but should be
condemned for interfering, especially if they are all-knowing
entities where "Creation" for these sorts is sufficient and
should not be compounded with later tinkering with their
supposed creations afterwards. Gods are supposed to get things
right the first time, as most people do on this planet with
their discoveries as shown many times in these articles and
If there is a god or gods, they are certainly not the kind of
gods they describe to exist but something else entirely
I can say more but I'm afraid for people who would read what I
have to say and start believing they can fly and jump off
buildings, so I'll take the back seat to this. I'd rather be
called an idiot then prove things that a lot of people, whom I
consider innocent, are not properly prepared for because there
is much much much more, so I'll leave this to some person, as
yet unborn in the future, to move this further along.
It is Sufficient for now. There is no point explaining things
to people who are programmed to accept savagery as normal. Like
any good theory in now defunct Natural Philosophy, one just
needs to be going in the right direction and since caveman days
this has never let us down but we have to wait tens of
thousands of years for real changes to occur in any society
because we are still very much like children.
This entire essay on The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics might
appear long but you'd be surprised at what I'm holding back.
It's one thing to laugh and polemicize a lot of modern science
and quite another to embark on things that can be harmful, even
if it's the truth because I'm not exactly writing this for
people only, but systems of people must be considered, here,
and these systems must evolve or die and this takes time and
will happen in one way or another. Mob rules apply here and it
will take many generations to change that but the individual is
free, so long as he's quiet about this as I warned previously
at the beginning.
The only thing I can say is that the Universe is more beautiful
and poetic than mathematical or miraculous but don't go
wandering off anywhere without a compass or some bread crumbs
to guide you back. As I said elsewhere: science one day will
have to feel as well as know and not the way they "feel"
things now like a blind-man feeling his surroundings to get
anywhere, which they do with their tinkering. In the meantime,
there is a new branch of artistic philosophy based on
Thermodynamics to fill the gap.
Now, their grids are there to indicate the wave's
movements not show "time/space displacement or that it is
a fabric" as that's impossible anyway because that is like
doing some nothing to nothing and expect an effect or
affect. Further, if there was a fabric in space, the lines
would be crossing and woven diagonally and not overlapping
up-down sideways as even Chanel, or any fashion designer
or spacesuit maker could tell you why where then the
question becomes: How does one express the diagonal in
an open system to give it the properties and strength it
needs?. According to artistic opinion: To change the
course of a transverse wave, if there were a fabric, one
would be required to change the characteristics/properties
of the medium or the characteristics/properties of the
wave and as this cannot be done, there can be no
'fabrics'. It is only electromagnetic fields reacting to
matter waves. There is more but
then we start discussing Relativity, where space-time
begins to be described as having properties which I don't
want to get into here, and physics, which is irrelevant
here in any discussion of Thermodynamics, since that
always comes first before any physics.
particles or Non-Ionized Matter primarily affect each
others matter waves, where any waves that interfere and
cancel they take away momentum and angular momentum and is
converted into heat, like as demonstrated in ionized
particles but in their case higher velocity in momentum
(transmission) gets transferred to mass where to us, they
appear to attract or fall towards each other and the
differences between attraction and falling towards depends
of voluminous size not magnitude but the effects are,
through magnitude.
This is also the simple reason why the Universe has always
existed and will always exist because for the universe to
disappear everything must strike everything to cancel every bit
of momentum and angular momentum as it is the same in reverse
for creation. This describes a chain or flow of events that are
interdependent and can be simplified by thinking of these
things in terms of equilibrium. Increase the energy of the
smaller volume and one increases it's momentum and they both,
relatively, move away from each other because there are
fields to consider first, which "incidentally"
explains-away dark matter and why it too is unnecessary,
or does not exist.
One day it will be found that the outer reaches of galaxies
only contain an over abundance of non-ionized matter particles
that have an over abundance of momentum and the matter nearer
their cores have an over abundance of Ionized matter with an
under abundance of momentum (transfered to electromagnetism),
where the core as the singularity at its center, acts/reacts,
both electromagnetically and gravitationally and this "extra"
momentum creates an equilibrium in momentum outside the core to
its rims. If dark matter existed, even a galaxy's companion
clusters would also revolve faster around the central
This makes increase of speed possible when we are talking about
any galaxy's rim but not the acceleration of the Universe
itself because, there, the good parts of both the Cosmological
constant and the Cosmological principle must be taken into
account too, and this is discussed elsewhere in these articles
because the mechanisms are obviously different but the
Principle is the same but the magnitudes are entirely
different. There are a thousand other wonderful things going on
too, at the same time, but for this discussion, this is what's
important and is also more appropriately discussed by a
physicist because we have already covered equilibrium. What can
be stated here is that this is a model for the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics to describe, through the Principle of
Equilibrium and has little to do with the the First and Second
Law of Thermodynamics in comparison, and a galaxy is an open
system unlike a star.
amazing for an artist to ponder with this, is to consider
the "miraculous", the logical and the physical in the same
manner because in this mode of thinking, they each become
Sufficient and Equivalent and create wondrous systems
which also creates a true distinction between the
religious concept of 'miraculous' and anything other than
religion which, for some reason, lends itself immediately
to explanation and even self-explanation and don't require
a god anywhere, under any circumstances.
Natural Philosophy and now Artistic philosophy would say:
Let's wait for new phenomena to appear before we draw any
conclusions and put a god anywhere to fill in that space that
should never of been filled with something alien in the first
Using or putting god anywhere is always jumping to conclusions
in any situation.
It seems that Nature doesn't like miracles and if when they
appear in Its Universe they immediately become something real
and physical; When they are bad ideas they disappear
immediately which incidentally sounds a lot like life and
history too, only the time frame of reference is different.
Abracadabra in religion is always an isolated system where no
matter or energy is being transferred, so there is actually no
miracle being performed and one must always put Work
into it to make it work on any level or plane of thought of its
own reality in this universe. Or in English: Miracles are
This has the deleterious effect of turning the actual physical
work of the Prophets and Saints and a Messiah into the
redundant category where the abracadabra events attributed to
these beings, eclipses everything because of their supposed
value that is attributed to them; meaning that it's actually
not necessary to perform miracles if you are truly a saint, nor
does saintliness or evil give anyone any kind magical powers
but there is equivalency, and their lives reflect this
equivalency in everything they touched, which can appear
miraculous to simple people or to the ignorant, but worshipping
or treating them like heroes is an other matter completely
because if wasn't Jesus, Mohamed or Abraham etc. etc.. it would
of been somebody else who would of taken their place.
they are trying to turn science into a new religion,
probably instigated by the religious authorities
themselves as will be demonstrated in later articles where
they turn "miracles" of Nature and put them in a bottle
and deny its proper assembly through its order of
equivalence into the physical order of things for their
own purposes and their own kind; much like private
enterprise gets issued patents, property rights (without
any obligations that are supposed to be attached to any
'rights') on different areas and magnitudes of space and
copyrights on things and principles and existences that
actually only exist in the commons, so this is highway
robbery and we will eventually be ruled by dynastic
My own artistic theories and predictions might be equivalent to
the ancient Phlogiston theory or the Caloric theory, which were
wrong, but they did point in the right direction and themselves
ultimately created solid science, — exactly because they
were wrong! but here, their errors were qualities that lent
themselves to speculation and became a source for enquiry
through experimentation which always produces real truths and
facts in an A to C manner of movement or deployment and would
create a form of humanistic (where science served men and not
men serving science or scientific societies) and scientific
value. This is because these questions of mine, and the
contradictions I put on display, should not exist anyway if
science and religion were so true.
In fact, I want to be wrong in many of my own assumptions and
endeavour to find new wrongs because the true value in any
science, religion or art comes from just thinking about them,
not from controlling them. I'm not looking for a Nobel Prize
but I want to win Truth. There are many intrinsic things that
are instructive and I try to get people to feel things, not
'know' things and science can be a wonderful subject, in
itself, to create wonderful feelings that always lead to new
ideas and technology by themselves because information, itself,
in an open system, flows to where it is needed, if we let
This, for obvious reasons, is something that is difficult to
share with others, even if you want to share it because at one
point people don't want to understand new things, especially
when these are old things that should of existed long ago in
man's collective conciousness. It is one thing for an amateur
to innocently and honestly explore the intrinsic and quite
another for a professional to impose system-made ideas that are
given the air of "learning".
These things, when handled correctly, showed us where to look
and what kind of experiments are to be performed and so in
appreciation have gained a place in our history and further
provide evidence for the actual work that was done by
explaining why those experiments were done in the first place.
This places science way above any religion because of this
requirement and history, but this does not give itself the
permission to be a religion and this form of enquiry no longer
exists but they are seeking things equivalent to the
philosopher's stone instead. The discovery of the transmutation
of matter via radioactive decay has probably gone to their
heads like a drug, and like any drug or alcohol their judgement
is now impaired.
This one example among a cornucopia of many puts all science,
today, back to square one, where it becomes a legitimate
question of how much, or how many, of these ideas serve
political/economic purposes, but disguised as science and
progress because the tax payer ultimately pays for this, where
people suffer economic hardships today but theoretical/particle
physics, cosmology, universities and think tanks have none of
that, probably because different nations are looking for the
ultimate power of the Universe so that they can control or rule
the planet. Science serves the most childish and feeble minded
and World War One never ended and just got started because if
any nation does find this power it is a certainty they will use
it against mankind to serve their political party.
Anyone who wishes to own, organize or control anything that
exists in a closed system is doing something that cannot last
forever and the person (not the science) will eventually, even
be reviled. Popular today, hated tomorrow. Many popular figures
in science today, like politicians, who should not be popular,
are only so because of a constant bombardment as described by
Marshal McLuhan by those who control the media because it
serves an agenda that ultimately has a purpose that goes
against natural growth and evolution.
This is why any and all authority, of any kind must always be
evaluated and re-evaluated privately because to do this
publicly can be fatal in a variety of ways. For this personal
"evaluation" we use the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and its
Principles and say nothing or make it appear meaningless, where
Nature will appear and show you how to help mankind in your
corner. Every little bit is important and it's OK to hate if
you do it Nature's way and follow Its instructions. This
happens to me all the time where physical things appear to me
physically from other things and places that relate to exactly
what I'm doing or writing about at the time in an equivalent
manner. Everything in the Universe is interconnected and
Equivalency is a powerful thing if you open your mind and
or introduction in basic relativity, quantum mechanics
and thermodynamics should be given while people are
learning their A B C's and 1 2 3 's because it is not
important that they learn them completely but,
instead, be acquainted with them, while the brain is
designed to absorb languages and concepts which young
children are predisposed to, instead of teaching them
advanced-metaphysical subjects like religion because
it is ethically and morally better to improve lives
first and not save the souls of the innocent because
an improved life improves the soul and not the other
way around or an improved life increases the
likelihood of saving the "soul". In this concept
rotten "souls" cannot be saved and it is better to
improve the condition of those that can be saved by
preventing them from being dragged down by the rotten
Ironically, only Nature can do this, not religion, by
giving everyone a solid base in Thermodynamics for
everybody and allow energy and the philosophical
implications of their Thermodynamic Principles to decide
who will be saved or not whether this even exists or not;
it makes no difference. Start with all thermodynamics and
real physics before any metaphysics, especially when
dealing with things that are supposed to be open systems.
According to thermodynamics, whether god exists or not is
irrelevant and besides thermodynamics is beyond religion or
atheism so anyone debating these things is himself
equivalent to its ideas — which is not much.
Where/when one sees a priest or a scientist one should feel
their walls approaching too since they represent and work
for closed or isolated systems.
and quantum physics can be taught anytime after
thermodynamics and they becomes impervious to
metaphysics and intellectuals, unless it is
specifically designed to create illusions but this is
done mostly for entertainment, so is therefore
harmless fun. This eliminates the alien, bizarre and
counter-intuitive aura these subjects receive when
they are finally taught in college where
thermodynamics already has prepared them for adoption.
Religion and religious ideas that are taught in grade
school never get to be interpreted as bizarre or
"counter intuitive" but should be and as they would be
if this were taught at college level and they would
appear weird or counter-intuitive and not
classical/quantum mechanics. The "miracles" of Nature
are better and have meaning and purpose in this
physical Universe. After Nature, anyone can talk all
they want about those other types of "miracles".
This might get in the way of a nice story but it is the
truth and people do not have wars and kill each other
because of different particles, but they will for different
saints in heaven. Besides, the likelihood of a child
becoming a great saint who can heal is, both faithfully and
statistically, far less likely than the child becoming a
great doctor or physicist who can heal. Little Buddhas,
Baby Jesus's and Mini Mohameds who can say abracadabra, and
then you are healed, are rare unless one is creating a
business and for that there are plenty of suckers who buy
that garbage, ignoring that this is also blasphemy because
it appeals to the vanity of all involved besides serving as
a accurate measure to their own ignorance, stupidity or
closed mindnessness.
Matters of opinion are now obsolete and matters of fact
will be the coming wave for all things, simply because
there is too much information now, and it's getting worse.
By eliminating the unprovable in both science and religion,
and even ordinary people, we relieve ourselves of a huge
burden where Thermodynamics, again, can be used as the
filtering agent. Just ignore anything that is not
Thermodynamic or consider their appropriate systems in both
thermodynamic and the subject's system and compare the
difference or results.
Just a
few suggestions: If you want to get rid of street
gangs or religious fanatics; ALL parents themselves
should make sure that their kids come home after
school and do all their homework, even if the teacher
didn't give them any (create some homework and ask
your kid what he/she did today when you get home). If
the teacher gave homework he/she should verify that it
was done by making pupils hand in reports of what they
read and studied against what reading/study assignment
was given. It is as simple as that. Myself when I see
any kid anywhere whose not in school at school hours,
I ask him why he's not in school. Take away all that
free time they shouldn't have anyway, and they won't
get exploited by gangsters and priests who (the
gangsters) are just another sort of child molester
anyway, that work in a different style. Parents who
don't personally get involved with their kids should
not have any kids because someone else will come along
and do this, and this influence might be something the
parent or society does not like. Neglect creates
criminals and vanity creates psychopaths. Remember,
good or bad information goes to where its needed and
creates its own reality.
Civilization's religions, along with culture and politics,
should only be taught at university level where they can
become interesting specimens of different human intellect
and earn their place in society as esoteric and avant garde subjects
rather than hijacking this position and
becoming stubborn malicious Rootkits that infect
the operations of life and are contrary to
Nature, otherwise we are just primitive tribes
teaching folklore and superstition to children
because there is nothing else to teach except
survival in a forest and this is not civilized.
Civilization's purpose is to civilize yet how
many who work for/in civilization would be able
to survive in the wild for more than a couple
of days, yet the civilized judge or criticize
the wild and are also experts in these things
as it is the same for theoretical/particle
physics and cosmology.
garish saccharine/fluorescent-like colours in
toddler/kids books and videos, which kids can also do
very well without and creates an unnecessary
disturbance in the mind where they realize that these
are not colours that exist anywhere in Nature but
exist in war when there are explosions and in disease
(cancer among other diseases are naturally
florescent). Later, we give them "realistic" video
games to test their prowess in killing so that you
will "save the universe" as if that's anyone's
personal responsibility. Later they put them on boats,
jet fighters etc. and bomb entire villages, towns and
cities where they did not see one single person die
before them. During that time, the saccharine colours
are ever present in tabloids and other adult media
where the art of hyperbole has not been lost. In the
future no one will look at anything if its not an app
of some sort, webpages like this have already become
obsolete. This will be the way to control exploitation
itself by making it a tradeable entity and this is
even expected because laziness, misinformation, vanity
and stupidity must also be made convenient, so that it
will be even easier to make mankind more stupid. The
1950's "Father Knows Best" is even more pervasive than
ever, it's just in another type of packaging that is
no longer an identifiable person but a system.
Sometimes I wonder who are the real nihilists in
society because we have respected institutions
teaching children about angels and devils, creations
and apocalypses, walking and talking dead messiahs and
prophets who say and do the exact opposite of what is
written, not to mention breaking the laws of physics,
— forget thermodynamics, and that's considered
normal and acceptable. One can teach any child
anything and this programming will stay with it for
the rest of its life. People become Sufficiently
Equivalent to what they learn and shape the universe
to their own existential framework of supposed
knowledge because that is all they know. Learning all
the Laws of Thermodynamics can change all that. It can
be quite a shock to learn that the Universe has
different rules, in different proportions, at
different magnitudes, in different locations yet
everything is equivalent and in equilibrium and
Thermodynamics is universal and unchanging. Put sodium
and chloride together, anywhere in the Universe and
one makes salt and prime numbers exist everywhere, in
the Universe, where there are beings can count and
divide. When I learned this as a child, that was my
first true "spiritual" experience; to realize that
unknown beings elsewhere, from anywhere in the
Universe, can share this experience and this also gave
humanity, itself, a great value to be able to
comprehend this since I read the sodium/chloride thing
from an ordinary science book and not from any
religious work where salt has a completely different
meaning and purpose with strange properties, I might
Hoping to prove myself wrong, I went looking for ways to disprove
this 'Theory of education' of mine just to see that I wasn't a
bit carried away by my own emotions. It turns out that an
anti-theses of one's own idea is even more fun to produce than
producing the idea itself. Here everyone can also see the value
of creating an anti-theses. I'm thinking of all the fun
theoretical/particle physicists and cosmologists are not enjoying
by not producing anti-theses these days but instead are making
unproved announcements and writing books as if the world was
their oyster. These are screen shots of my quest to find
children's books on Thermodynamics; as usual, just click on them
to magnify. Everything is posted here as I find them and I'm not
manipulating anything here. In this one, I just love the
'Enrico Fermi touch' that's placed
on the list of the Search Results page for "ABC books on
This one
was further below that you can't see from the screen shot
above. Circled in red I put there because it made me laugh
because children and young adults are not supposed to love
anyone except themselves; especially their parents. It's
normal for these creatures to do the exact opposite of
what anyone tells these things to do. Even the bible is in
full agreement with this stating: "Honour thy parents" and
nowhere is it mentioned to 'Love thy Parents'. Parents
must be strict with their kids without being cruel and
only they can love but don't expect any love to be
returned until they are at least 25 years of age when
things start sinking into their ungrateful grey matter.
Any kid who says "I love you Mommy or Daddy" wants
something which would be either a new toy or money.
Kids are not in any position to 'love' anything because
love can be anything and even disguised to appear as something
else which always points to the verb 'to have' and not 'to be'
because they're not old enough to know what 'being' is.
Parents, themselves, must contend that their children are
dealing with systems and not just their parents where they are
actually learning to market themselves in this world they've
been born into and parents are their first experiments in this
deployment of survival tactics because systems, especially now, are given
more importance than people. When parents hear "I Love You", that
should be cause for alarm. The best way to put a stop to that
nonsense is to ask your kid: "Why?".
This is a better selection.
This also, it turns out, is a bit too advanced. I'm looking for
those stomach turning florescent-xenon bright coloured
indestructible books for toddlers with, huge, larger-than-life
pictures of numbers, letters, dinosaurs (Barney) and Jesus
(himself) that make them require glasses at an early age
because of early blindness caused by garishness; for adorable
little monsters who have finally mastered the art of holding a
book for its own sake and not as a way to demonstrate food and
vomit preparation or annihilation which required steel
reinforced tablets covered in dura-cardboard and coated thickly
in hard plastic.
So here I concede defeat and I'm obviously a madman because the
thing does not exist, where I think it should. Believing things
that don't exist as should be existing, proves in some circles
that I'm certifiable.
Since it's now established that I'm crazy, this now changes
everything else. I now challenge anyone to write a decent
toddler's book, that's washable and indestructible, on
Thermodynamics. Well they teach toddlers science, maths and
Jesus using florescence, so why not an introduction to
Thermodynamics? We can call it 'H is for Heat' with Xenon
bright colours so it will blend in with the rest of the crap
they have on children's bookshelves.
The only thing left, is to reduce this college scenario into a
kindergarten setting with an existential play; The curtain is
drawn where young charges, draw in connect-the-dots colouring
books (quantum Mechanics) and then fill the new shapes they
created out of the dots that suddenly look remarkably like Jesus
or religious symbols or mystical ideas with crayon colours (dark
matter) and then they sign their name to it and the good pupil
gets a gold star (higgs particle) in front of the other children
(Nobel Prize), if the work pleases the kindergarten monitor or
This is like when one has a boss or a landlord, who has a wife
who's the real or unseen boss, or there are actually two
bosses, where one passes the blame on the other when something
goes wrong, so your boss or landlord is actually a weakling
slave, since woman assume all power when they acquire it. Yet
the boss or landlord is in a position of authority and because
he is a slave, acts on behalf of an unseen force so they are
impossible to deal with except in court, unless your lucky and
the wife is in a good mood, because it is a certainty that the
cause of discord and all participants will show up in court
voluntarily because that would be irresistible for vain, stupid
and jealous sorts.
weakness and psychological/emotional slavery: There is not
one single modern-day Galileo or von Guericke (among others) in
existence today who is working on any anti-thesis to
disprove the existence of any of these exotic substances
and make-belief forces that themselves are not proven.
Instead we have a kowtowing, self-congratulatory
international scientific community, masturbating in front
of its own mirror and getting-off on its own awesomeness,
with a fan-base on top of this. Where are the scientific
critics nowadays who have something a bit more substantial
than god as the answer or the truth? From where I stand,
17th, 18th and 19th century science was in many ways
superior to today's science because despite much
opposition it allowed a healthy and respectable venue for
debunking which ultimately had to be addressed which
appears to be impossible today and if we didn't have these
debunkers to challenge accepted norms in science, in those
days, who also had to publish their own work and finance
their own experiments, (which added to their credibility
rather than detracting from it like it would today) we
would not have any of The Laws of Thermodynamics and many
other things. See short article: 'Why smart people defend bad ideas'
By Scott Berkun, April, 2005.
recapitulate: This is exactly the way one propagates new
false religion and mysticism where a thing is conveniently
made ubiquitous and needs no explanation itself for it
being there but decides what everything should do and it's
not even proven to exist by one single laboratory
anywhere; where many things that do exist, that might
explain many phenomena, have been overlooked or are
treated separately. As for mass/energy, these
geosynchronous satellites doing GPS have atomic clocks
that are affected by the speed they are travelling at, and
the gravity of the Earth which makes them very complicated
to adjust initially and to keep maintained, where the more
decimal places they have, the more possibilities for
inaccuracy there is; creating a linear closed system that
originates more chaos through more control.
If they were going around the Earth like the ISS their clocks
would go up and down because Earth is not a perfect globe with
even-mass at different locations making the ISS go slightly
faster and slightly slower all the time, not higher and lower
altitudes, and this too has nothing to do with anything but
only different masses affecting each other.
So from this frame of reference where, whether, we are talking
about Quantum, Classical or Particle physics it is all the same
where there is more mass or transfer of mass the slower an
object moves and the less mass and less transfer of mass, the
faster it moves and there is no increase or decrease in mass
that is not transferred from somewhere else first. There are no
fabrics in any medium of space but you go ahead and believe
what you want to believe because this is where artistic
philosophy says: "Your on your own".
Incidentally this articles were much larger where formally
there was an enormous amounts of documentation about science
not making any sense but then what's the point in showing this
now, in this day and age? I actually improved the article by
removing these horrible things, which surprised me at the time.
Every year I live, I see people becoming more part of systems,
like the pied piper leading the children over the cliff, and
becoming less self-aware individuals and age might be the cause
of this because it gives me this advantage/disadvantage to see
things that way because this is also relative because this was
going on in my youth too but less severe.
Cosmology or theoretical science are now moving away from
Thermodynamics at light speed and there's nothing anyone can do
about this, nor does anyone care. The devil exists because
people want the devil to exist, not because he actually exists.
Take away man and his societies, and there is no devil, or any
of his promises, anywhere in the Universe and people in society
are fighting to be first in line too. All societies are
monsters and create baby monsters where thermodynamics says
there's another and better way yet says, at the same time, that
we are too primitive to implement it.
"The answer is already part of the question" and any
question asked to Nature provides answers that are both good
and bad at the same time, which should be an opportunity to
augment our wisdom because the bad parts of It's answer only
attack a system that was the cause of the problem in the first
place, and that is the only sacrifice that Nature asks for.
On our
primitive philosophies: Fabrics do, likely, represent
political-map creation or structure imposed on space with
this grid-like point of view and creates boundaries that
define space and matter which makes this just another form
of ownership and privatization and all that is missing is
putting names and flags and numbers and colours in these
boxes which I'm sure they are encouraging kindergarten
children to do now so they can feel it belongs to them in
an attempt to condition future humanity, that space must
be privatized and to do this, they change interpretation
of physics itself to suit their needs like they brainwash
people with the Second Law of Thermodynamics which has an
"intelligently designed" flaw "incorporated" in it and is
placed there to suit certain needs of those kinds of
people who live in remote locations and have no idea of
what life itself means.
One must be able to imagine something like in the movie:
'Colossus - The Forbin Project' (1970) where world control is
improved upon the original plot, which is created with virtual
personalities we only see in the media or video conference like
in the movie: 'S1m0ne' (2002). Since these types or entities
have no philosophy, why must we have philosophy, since today's
aristocracy and boardroom gods demonstrate quite clearly that
there is no need for it. Let's not forget ethics and morality
which I've already addressed as being useless for other reasons
as our glorious leaders display none themselves and since they
are better than everybody, we should follow their illustrious
Why must the burden of ethics, civilization and sainthood be
born only with the worthless poor, humble and meek since its
clearly designated and established by the cognoscenti that they
are incapable of such lofty motives because of their stupidity
and inferiority so anything an honest and ethical human being
does, is wrong and should be punished or rehabilitated and
that's where the school-yard bully makes his entrance in the
"fabric of life" because the psychopath is the first and last
judge you will ever meet in life, regardless of who you
because something says 'PBS' on it doesn't mean its good,
accurate or truthful. Steven Hawking's complicated and
upside-down 'virtual particle evaporation cycle' technique
for black holes which resembles more a biological process
or can be compared to a steam engine quite easily (without
any condensation because there too this does not exist).
If speculative philosophers and theorists had been doing
their jobs competently in the first place, black holes
would of been predicted by them and not by the geologist
(John Michell) back in 1783. We
also find something new going on in physics, where there
are now actual quantum-physics rewrites on the
interpretation of Einstein's "fabric of space" (which is a
classical not quantum system) one of which was only meant
originally to explain to school children and 19th century
physicists relativity in a way they could understand and
was never meant to be taken seriously just like Ptolemy"s
model of the cosmos was only meant to be a tool to aid him
in calculating the position of stars for stargazers and
was never meant to be a model for the Universe. If your
interested to understand the protocol on how this is
occurring please read this National Geographic article and
look at the following videos to see what I mean:
Nobel Prize in Physics
2011–The Accelerating Universe
BBC Horizon - What on Earth is Wrong
with Gravity.
PBS Nova The Fabric of the Cosmos:
What Is Space?.
On another front there are some who call themselves artists who
also enjoy playing god as this article from the New York Times
reports on Eduardo Kac who calls himself a
"transgenic artist". The less said about this sick monster
and his affiliations, the better, as even Wikipedia
doesn't know what to do with him, judging from the
accurate but brief description of this creature. Anyhow
this thing is not an artist by any means because he has to
write his own manifestos because they don't teach genetic
engineering to create green-living monsters in art schools
anywhere. He obtained this knowledge and collaboration
elsewhere and called it art; so this is not art by any
means. This piece of compost, does not even have an
appealing website which you can visit Here, to see his other work
including everything else he has been up to.
Time Machines: Where is the entropy of their time machine
supposed to go while it is working? How is it that a
machine that can only exist as a closed system and then
becomes an isolated system upon activation have an effect
upon an open or indefinite system? This type of thinking
from theorists betrays their actual emotional intelligence
because you can only think this way if you are limited to
The Second Law of Thermodynamics in close association with
a perverted or sanitized version of The First Law of
Thermodynamics in an Isolated System as if one could
travel through time back and forth with a boat and time
was an ocean where the scenery changes each time you go
forwards and backwards because you changed the timeline
and so navigation becomes meaningless, so what's travel in
this context?
This is the outline that creates their profile and in 'Theory'
and they get an F. Anyway such a machine or vessel would be
instantly destroyed by gravity itself where travelling through
time because one would be exposed to gravitational shock waves,
created because gravity is not the same through time in any
location and mass is always being exchanged whether any machine
is moving or not through any continuum you can think of.
The fact that intellectuals, theorists and theoretical/particle
physicists don't immediately see the engineering problems
involved in transporting (transmitting) something physical but
are instead worried about grandpa or teacup and other touching
stories shows that these Ph.D's are completely insane or
childish or this is a marketing ploy to sell garbage to
incredulous fools because this is not Jules Verne or Star Trek
we are talking about but real Ph.D's discussing these things
seriously today and they see nothing wrong Thermodynamically,
forget the laws of physics.
Now ask
yourself this: If an artist can see and ask himself these
things what are these theoretical/particle physicists and
cosmologists seeing and asking themselves and why are they
asking these type of "string" and "time travel" etc.
questions while always discussing these things in the
media. I see this as a dangerous form of thinking because
why would these people be asking these sort of questions
and for what purpose? Hypothetically, it could be possible
to go back and forth in time but back only until your time
machine was first activated which is something I will
explain later. You cannot go back physically, to where you
have never been, nor does anyone have any right to be, but
these guys are spending tax dollars looking for ways to
interfere with lives and Nature.
I have a suggestion: Prove that you can build a working rocket
or a robot or some unique invention (that you have given away
to the public as your contribution to mankind) from scratch,
from material that can only be found at a hardware store and
then you can talk about physics and tell people what the
Universe might be all about and everybody will know for sure
that you're smart and do have a superior philosophy because you
want things for all men and not just for yourself and most
important; that you are not a weakling and will defy society
when it is the right thing to do.
They produce an extraordinary amount of nonsense today and
oversaturate the population with contradictions probably
because they are afraid of what's coming, which will probably
sweep all known science, religion (it won't be Jesus),
mathematics and philosophy aside completely, where suddenly all
men of these subjects will appear in history as it presently
treats Neanderthals when describing primitiveness and
backwardness. The Nobel Prize Committee will be made obsolete
or be seen as complete fools.
That is a lot of money, politics, philosophy and reputations to
protect, so it is necessary to fill the world with nonsense
that people can argue over but they cannot fool the artist who
is never part of this who sees the intrinsic is all things and
can see the future of science.
Imagine a world with no money, — "What Chaos!"
they would say, yet everybody down to the lowest proletariat
has access to realize any dream regardless if it is to live in
peace and do absolutely nothing all their lives or build a
bridge to another dimension. How will the rich and famous be
able to flaunt their perversions and vanity? How will royalty
be able to express its stateliness? How will the pope or a
patriarch be able to show his holiness or a politician his
power, or have any influence, without money?
Money makes every human immature and never evolves beyond his
childhood and young adulthood despite now being able to live,
on the average, to his 80's now, making us equivalent to those
of ancient times whose humans did not live past 30 years of
age. Our lives may be longer but because of money and the way
we use it to drive civilization, we never evolve wisdom beyond
the mind of a 30 year old.
And it's not just me but there are many people around who can
prove with simple experiments that 90% of the things you see
and read about in science and religion are simply not true and
in many different ways, in both errors and in the way they come
up with their hypotheses and theories; yet none of them get any
backing whatsoever. So what you see everywhere is all stuff
that is backed financially with a purpose in creating business
and you are just a consumer, where life is just a game where
everyone and each individual is the same or has the same value.
Everyone as an individual is not the same but every system is,
and when they start putting systemic ideals as priority, then
that is communism or a socialist nightmare in service of
capitalism or the banks.
relativity; doesn't 'Cause and Effect' have any meaning
anymore since we all know that cause and effect exists but
how can one, physically, be part of any particular cause
and effect that does nor exist yet. Imagine if someone
came from the future and started to interfere with your
life, what would you tell them. How come the
powers-that-be are not satisfied with their near complete
control of our lives, they also want to control the future
and the past too, which is another hallmark in
insanity/megalomania and as previously mentioned: how is
heat energy supposed to have any effect in time
manipulation, because unless time itself is a form of
energy I don't see that it's possible to manipulate
anything beyond the effects caused by movement and
acceleration which themselves creates more heat and mass
and how is that new heat and mass get dissipated with a
Second Law device in a closed system, is another
interesting question that has never been considered and
what time framework must this new heat and mass go to
that's created from a time machine? According to my
arithmetic, this accumulated energy can only be dissipated
wherever you land or stop the machine destroying your
destination instantly with some massive and sudden release
of energy because it has to go somewhere. So an individual
using a time machine would actually have nowhere to go
that's safe because only the Universe can handle energy
and time appropriately.
the paradox of grandson killing grandpa is more like
grandpa killing the grandson if he finds out who he is.
Both situations are improbable but the latter is more
likely. Further, hypothetically, preventing a disaster
increases the probability of another automatically
occurring and of all people, theoretical/particle
physicists should be aware of this because people and all
life are like Fermions, or 'Fermionic' (a new
word for philosophy) where if you remove one quantum state
another will replace it, that is likely to be the same
thing or produce the same type of outcome in a later
scenario when the interference from the future, or the
past, is gone. If we add the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
in this scenario, we get something that is also transitive
so everything would also occur at the same time as if
nothing was disturbed. This is a leftover, lingering
effect from quantum mechanics where time is smeared, that
continues into classical mechanics where I have already
giving examples in the other parts of this essay of how
Heisenberg's Theory of Uncertainty exists even in
Classical Mechanics but the effect is more apparent in the
Pauli Exclusion Principle where
no two fermions can occupy the same quantum state at the
same time yet that one quantum state must exist somewhere,
whether you like it or not.
It's antitheses is true as well: If one found out a future
event before it happened and used it in it's past, one would
destroy its future and
one would not know our future
anyway. My cat knows more about quantum mechanics than
most theoretical/particle physicists or the National
Geographic because he only asks me for milk when he knows
I'm making a tea or coffee without smelling anything
first and gives me that distinctive meow and affection
around my legs, that means "milk please" to let me know
his wish to share in the coming largess; so, he can
accurately foresee events better than theorists can, by
understanding my movements alone, probably along with
certain sounds that are made, but only when I'm making
tea or coffee and no other time or for any other reason
when using the fridge or stove. We'll call this effect:
'GP's Cat Effect'. See or bookmark: National Geographic Time Travel -
The THEORY so that you can reclaim your god-given
right to know, only, bullshit and nothing else. (Don't say
I'm not a nice guy.) I don't care because in the future,
when the new science finally does appear, people will be
able to live in total horse-shit if they want, but the
nature of the world will be that they no longer can
interfere with anyone, anywhere in the physical
How did I
end up Here? As you can tell, I am not so gifted in maths
and I intend to prove it. I love blogs because I can talk
all I want about physics while knowing absolutely nothing
about it. I like to think that it is the questions I pose,
that are "infinitely" more valuable. Unfortunately for
you, I can "see" things, which is very difficult for me to
explain even though I don't seem to know what they are
and, no, they are not "visions" but they are more like
flashes of insight, for want of some better term, and
whether they have anything to do with insight or not, is
up to you. To me, they are valuable because they present
new ideas no one has ever heard, or seen before that,
themselves; don't create or add new problems but, rather,
solve a lot of them somehow and besides the unknown
doesn't bother me one bit. People have to remember that
everything was once mysterious and unknown and they also
thought they knew everything, in their time, but
everything they believed in, was overthrown eventually,
over the generations.
So, while I'm here, I may as well express to so called
"Inflation" of the Universe, to you, with art which I am better
at. So, I have prepared this illustration to properly express,
partially, my own version of inflation, made in my own kitchen.
Without having to use utensils, you can "inflate" this
illustration of the Universe, yourself, by clicking on it and
produce the same effect. I chose an eightfold geometry because
I like it. Besides, the Periodic Table of Elements has an
eightfold structure. "There are eight main groups of
elements. Atomic properties recur in cycles of eight. Elements
in the same columns have the same number of electrons, between
one and eight in the outer most peripheries of their orbits.
Cell mitosis also takes place in eight stages. Other familiar
elements in our lives based on the Octad are DNA molecules, the
geometry of chess and anything relying on the use of octaves;
the musical scale; the I Ching and the eight phases of the
moon, to name a few." [e].
The nice
thing about the above illustration is that it can be
anything, which is what the Universe is supposed to be and
that is about the only truth in the illustration and the
only one that actually counts. There is no one from any
sector of society, on any date on the calendar, anywhere,
that can tell you truthfully, what the universe exactly
is, including fortune tellers, and this will always be so
because our brains are simply too tiny to perform this
function. We only can perform functions within the
parameters of what we know exist or create ourselves, and
nothing more, where new things only appear overtime where
our brains start "seeing" patterns. Knowledge is as much a
relationship to things as discoveries are. Even with our
computers it would take an indefinite amount of time to
understand the massive amounts of data of the tiniest
thing imaginable, and by that time the data has changed,
the Universe has changed and we have changed. We are and
will only be aware of now which is already a lot but no
one seems to appreciate this. The closest thing to reality
and truth is indication because reality already admits
that it can't explain itself, so why criticize
So throw
any books you have on existential philosophers in the
garbage now including those on any form of determinism
unless it's required reading to pass a bullshit course. I
said before, when discussing the universe from our
perspective; we are the tiny things that follow quantum
rules! I'm certain that if there are self-aware creatures
living in tiny particles, they too experience things by
classical models and they will too, discover there own
micro and macro realms that follow the same quantum or
relativistic rules. The trick here for cosmologists in the
future, is to study extremely large things that are
observed empirically to exist and work them down to our
level awareness (the scientific method), — not
working your way up by projecting (the crystal ball
method). Once this is achieved, it is possible to create
more accurate models that encompass even larger realms
because they are not based on any conjecture in any way.
One thing I do know is that you cannot approach physics,
at this level, without proper rest, planning and a sense
of humour. Like art if you take science too seriously, you
are a lost fellow especially when objectivity and being
overly serious have nothing to do with each other.
I found a
much better model for exotic theories involving "strings"
and "fabrics" and "negative-gravity fields" of dark
matter/energy, impelling this Universe's acceleration.
Metaphorically speaking, Nature has already created a
special universe for any kind of exotic dark matter/energy
or any kind of concept containing toxicity, that can best
be described as a place where there also includes a handy
flushing mechanism. Upon discovery of dark matter, we try
to flush this thing, we find that it doesn't work because
someone has surreptitiously cut the chain that lifts the
flush-valve with the flushing-lever, to evacuate the water
in the reservoir that would fill to displacement levels,
fresh water in the bowl, whereby, displacing the water,
where the laws that govern siphonage can take it away,
never to be seen again! These are substances that cannot
be experienced or should not be experienced.
things are created by theoretical/particle physicists who,
after experiencing awe, after looking at the
universe while playing with their instruments in a dark
corner somewhere in their offices or water closets; they
experience a kind of Metaphysical-Ecstasy, which puts them
into a euphoric-psychotic-trance whereby they manually
lose all their
objectivity. While on the subject of toilets and drains,
I invite you to read part of the following Wikipedia
article on the Coriolis effect entitled: 'Draining in bathtubs and
toilets' where completely erroneous ideas, in a
Aristotelian manner, are being taught in college textbooks
and you can check the references. Tipler, Paul (1998)
'Physics for Engineers and Scientists' (4th ed.).
W.H.Freeman, Worth Publishers. p. 128. (four
editions!) I only wonder why teachers don't spot these
things since they approve these books, so what answers do
you give, when exam time comes and why? I mean these
college and university courses cost a lot of money, so
what else is it they don't know because here we find one
example of nonsense being taught in physics and elsewhere
where I showed that a Ph.D thinks the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics should be abrogated; Imagine the
"possibilities" in theoretical/particle physics and
Instead, here an artist is revealing those wonders that
only exist because of the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics as if it
were any of my business; where I bet no one can finish one
single part of this essay because of the magnitude of wonders
there are within it and not because it's complicated. At least
the reader gets to experience the full breadth of the
programming they received all their lives. In the mean time,
theoretical/particle physics and cosmologists, struggling to
find their virginity
objectivity again, they inadvertently and painfully give
birth to monsters in their water closets, where any
clinging afterbirth is carefully wiped with sanitary soft
paper "fabric". This just adds more and more useless
things in a universe that already has enough creative
products in it, which, themselves have nothing to do with
any Laws of Physics, — Forget Thermodynamics, where
once again we have to listen to even more theorists as
they tinker with those laws to create new physics and
receive government funding on top of that! Anyone who
says that science is not a good business to get into,
doesn't know what he is talking about. To understand the
concept of dangerous tinkering, please click this link
that will show you many unnecessary, sloppy and stupid
criticality accidents that have
occurred in plutonium research and you will realize that
the golden age of theoretical physics is gone, simply,
because experimentation has become theoretical,
My ideas
and criticisms are maybe an imaginative nut job, for sure,
but it's no different then playing a board game with
pieces and dice, except this board game is called "Lets
Fix a Universe", "A board-game that's fun for the whole
family". When its over its over and you put everything
back in the box and we can go about our business. Here, I
permit myself to bring clarification of different
phenomena into a coherent structure. Next time we play the
game it'll be another universe, that's created or fixed,
depending on your strategy, that promises to explain
everything even better than the last one, using the same
I suggest
that theoretical/
particle physicists should go to a Gym
instead that has machinery with the latest things governed
by The Laws of Thermodynamics designed to build muscle! We
artists have a license to practice the imagination. Just
like doctors have a license to practice medicine. I'm
simply demonstrating with The Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics's three systems, anyone can create his own
pretty universe — Go ahead and amuse yourselves and
consider it as a sort of gymnasium where anyone can
work-out and flex their objectivity with it, turn up the
heat, add more weight; try this workout machine there, Oh!
this looks nice! let's try that one. Just use, only, real
things that exist and only things that have been proven to
exist from scientifically controlled laboratories and can
be demonstrated at any time. Do these work-outs everyday
and you will end up with something just as pretty as
"beautiful abs" and far more useful too.
An artist
is accustomed to deal with any unusual phenomena or rare
events that may occur when creating or discovering, new
things, which in a collateral way, sometimes, leads to new
discoveries that are quite beautiful and in this case,
useful. To an ordinary person, including a physicists,
some of these things can give you goose-bumps or shivers
up and down your spine as it does me on occasion. This is
an alarm bell sounded by the nervous system and it's time
to put out the fire without panicking! Like here, where
coincidentally I talk about weird physics and this page
starts displaying anomalous behaviour where elements
disappear and reappear. Generally, this is where we see a
good Artist to be hard at work, being more faithful to
The Muses than the Scientist is
to Nature and as if in a perfect
contradiction, we use logic, mathematics and
thermodynamics as tools from Nature to destroy this
emerging supernatural genie because we are already
familiar with the 'unknown' and its character like the
saint who knows the devil and all his tricks. In this
alarming situation, one can practically "see" objectivity
being "stabbed by a dagger", where we must find a way to
prevent this and fast too! This is where The Principles of
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics comes in. For me, it is
my only backup when things all go wrong and I can't trust
anything anymore when things start getting weird. So I
employ Thermal Equilibrium in an analogous form in my
thinking process.
So, my
webpage started to display odd behaviour exactly when I
was writing about the strangest things in this article, I
examined the document to see if it wasn't a tag that was
broken. I had discovered I had neglected to close a
<div> tag somewhere, or it simply disappeared
accidentally when adding something new because I use
standardized stock HTML elements which I have developed
for this site that have all the opening and closing stuff
which are in my machine, and there and all I do is insert
whatever I want for what it's designed to display on a
webpage. Anyway, I assume, then, it produces this effect
with long documents, under certain circumstances if they
are not closed. (the problem was not corrected,
automatically by the server in the first place, which
usually points out these errors and does not allow you to
publish until it's corrected and in this case it didn't)
so this produced a problem very reminiscent of something
that occurred to create the situation like in an Apollo 13 kind-of-way because
the HTML editor and Blogger's server, oddly, let this pass
a long time ago. I discovered this by temporarily cutting
out the bottom section of everything I wrote in my HTML
editor to see if my divisions would reappear after
republishing the page with the stuff removed. They did.
Installing a closing </div> tag anywhere on the
bottom, corrected the problem immediately and corrected
other things too that I didn't notice, which only became
apparent, when they were corrected! This is why I had to
split this article originally into three parts which has
since expanded for some reason like a 'Pandora Vacuum
Cleaner' that expands with the more Dirt Devils™ it
picks up. More importantly, a mystery was revealed that
easily could of been made into something else. I was
relieved, once again, that the supernatural or the wrath
of god had nothing to do with anything concerning this
coincidence and cold objectivity won the day again.
Here is the difference of what an objective or subjective
opinion can do and how subjectivity can be extremely damaging
in ways they never talk about. If you look at this picture
carefully in "light" of what's been written here, if seen in a
certain way, the glass may take the the form of a cognac
sniffer lying flat, which is a type of glass that allows one to
imbibe and inhale intoxicating-aromatic vapours while the
brandy could be swirled and warmed by your hand. But watch out!
because the fly can escape from the form of the cognac-glass
sniffer and try to put it back if it ever escaped! If we see
the glass in another perspective that the mind creates; as a
shot-glass facing down, the fly can never escape and can be
observed properly in controlled conditions.
This expresses perfectly, the difference between objectivity
and subjectivity and how one point of view will always release
monsters and in this case, it is a fly, and this picture, here,
is no trick but it is the observer and later, the raconteur who
provides the trick, where you choose your reality and its
magic. Also, this always happens when and while your seeking
something (in this case an optical illusion) where in a
fermionic and equivalent kind of way the information comes to
you as a fixed quantum state in a magnitude dominated by
classical physics, provided that it is honest, otherwise it
will be equivalent to the dishonesty. In this case the answer
appears out of nowhere, walking around on the table next to me,
at that specific time that allowed me to capture it easily with
a clean glass which I went to get at a leisurely pace and then
show this phenomena to the world. The insect had no business
being there, as it was also evening, and there was no food in
that location either. Its sole business was some form of
equivalency that needed to be expressed and it is this that
made it fly and land at that spot, at that moment. (The fly was
later carefully put outside and released.)
To most people the fly is a pest and to others the fly is a
messenger of many sorts (both physically and metaphysically)
and those sorts would think I'm crazy or a sorcerer, when I am
not but just an ordinary Human Being who is dissatisfied with
the various explanations and conclusions society programs me
with. This works in reverse too. Try this out yourself: If you
want to get rid of ants or any kind of infestation, just yell
at one of them very closely so it can smell your breath while
tapping the surface around it in a threatening manner and tell
it in plain English or Russian or whatever to Get Out! with a
threat of using poison in a couple of days in a loud and angry
voice, and within a couple of days you won't see a single
Other insects may take a week because they are not as
intelligent, or organized, or they have more things to move
(spiders take a month and its better to tell all the spiders
you meet because they are solitary creatures) but they will go
and nothing was killed in the process and no dead bodies were
left that invite fungus and bacteria into the household, which
is not so easy to get rid of and are the cause of various
illnesses and medical disorders, one of them being allergies.
Our over-sanitized world has invited new systems for disease
that never existed before.
The most stupid and ignorant statement in the Universe is:
Out of sight, Out of Mind. Just because you don't see
death because the bodies are not your size and magnitude does
not mean that it's not there and it will nor affect you, just
like poisoned dead bodies lying around of your own size and
won't follow the regular decomposition procedure but will be
done by other bacteria and systems for decomposition; which
will leave their mark and affect things differently in
The ant colony somewhere (as an example) knows that it is your
territory because they smell you and know your unique vibration
in everything you do and the ant carries your angry message
back to the colony where the queen gets the message and
transmits new orders to the colony to start scouting and
prepare for moving. This has always worked for me and there is
no magic except the magic of equilibrium which all forms of
equilibrium including thermal equilibrium take their own
necessary amount of time to become equivalent to an open system
that directly concerns itself and everything around.
Click or tap to see the sad state
of affairs in education throughout the world GD
Here is another example but this example focuses more on
how one may
lose objectivity which is easier to demonstrate with
something that moves. Here is a rotating molecule and if
one only looks at it directly, it only rotates in one
direction. There can be no error when doing this because
the three dimensional structure is respected because of
perspective and overlapping elements. Now, if one looks
at this structure using only a slight peripheral vision
where you concentrate your view a few lengths away from
this animation, or as your reading this, one will
definitely "see" this thing rotate in the reverse
(clockwise). One will also see this thing rotating
clockwise when looking directly at it but not paying
complete attention. The correct rotation is instantly
restored when one tracks those molecules in the centre
that overlap.
Think of this as an anti-hypnoses device that forces the mind
back to a stable reference. It is also useful for determining
the reasons for this lack of attention that affects perception
to such a degree, that can be an excellent personal exercise in
discipline and memory. (To artists, there is no such thing as
an optical illusions.) Since there is no depth perception with
peripheral vision, it's open season for both sides of the brain
and other things which alternatively fight for control of
interpretation. One may know that this molecule is only
rotating in a certain way but there is nothing you can do about
it if you see this thing peripherally where it arbitrarily
changes direction all the time. Peripherally the brain has no
reference; it only has two possibilities and we "see" both
these possibilities alternately but only one is real. Now the
idea is to apply this to everything you see and know while
applying the same kind of scrutiny because now we know that
lies and truth appear the same so what criteria do you give
things to determine their value and to know if they are true or
are effective enough to fool others?
So here, with photography I
record my experiment (the fly and the molecule) and
publish my findings. I might add briefly that in Art, it
is always your relationship with an object that is
important and nothing else. This will be even more true to
science and technology one day because it is impossible to
separate anyone's relationship with anything especially if
you are a scientist but there is another story that
artist's can tell you.
In science,
they must do the exact opposite, motivation wise, when
discriminating and handling things this way; which happens
often in Quantum physics, because this simple model of 'The
Fly in the Glass', that can be made more elaborate, can
guide them to properly discriminate into new Quantum Levels
that are smaller than ever before because they will know
why, when and how these relationships occur and when they
produce an effect. This produces useful and accurate data
without the need to include God, or no God, where either
philosophy's are useless because they create limits to
existence and I think I've pointed out, enough, that there
aren't any limits to existence or it's quality's nor is it
the responsibility of any type of being to tell you what and
who you are, what protocol for existence you should follow
and then having the necessity to answer the questions when a
philosopher or someone who thinks it's better than you, ask
you: "Who/what are you?" and "What do you want?" since this
is already described in religion especially in the parts
where we find out what god thinks about us.
The answer is already part of the question, as in this
case: When god comes to visit, it's never for a good reason and
if the devil comes to visit, it's always for a good reason. Just
add more p's and q's of probability densities
of quantum states instead, that themselves, already,
have their own unique Qualities and Quantities and
Positions and Parameters. Stuff like this can be used as a
model for the rehabilitation of particle/theoretical
physicists and intellectuals and keep them busy and out of
the way for years and years to come.
recapitulate: When my own objectivity was attacked, while
the failure of this webpage occurred I took
full-responsibility for it by not blaming the Server, God
or Apollo or mystic inventions of the mind and
imagination, or I had a bad day, I didn't have my coffee
yet, or whatever. This is quite different than
saying it was "My Fault". This
acknowledgement, in my own responsibility, in this
affair, allowed me to be objective because I transferred
the existing equivalence, and though me, created a new
equilibrium in the way I wanted it to be achieved by not
blaming other things or assigning it to divine
providence, and I learned something interesting and
perhaps valuable on certain HTML anomalies (in this case)
and reported this data in this article, as you see here
and I, personally, learned something about myself: In how
I, myself can produce these kind problems and never do
them again; How I can correct them, should they occur in
other ways, giving me invaluable experience and I learned
this all by myself with a little help from Nature's
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and it's wonderful Principles.
Further this belongs to me, in a profound and personal
kind-of-way that's difficult to describe objectively: 'I did
not assign any blame elsewhere and that is something no one can
take away from anybody'. This also led me, magically, to
machines that do this online for free which I would never of
known existed had I not taken the responsibility and worked to
change its equivalency and I was not even looking for these
online applications!
Objectivity is powerful stuff and subjectivity is not and
whatever you find with objectivity, belongs to you and not Fate
or God and it, also, always leads you to things you never thought
existed, but do, because of Sufficiency and Equivalency. Whatever
one finds in subjectivity will always belongs to "God" or
something supernatural and that makes anyone a slave to illusion
one way or another and less of a 'Being' but part of a
Whether a priest is in the business of "saving" or a gangster
kills someone and just calls it "business", it is all just because
they are part of a system that they can never remove themselves from
and so they are the weaklings and 'the inferior' because they
cannot exist without their system.
This is about the closest I can get. The only errors that can
be tolerated, temporarily, are the ones where anyone is trying
to express/explain the "spirit" of something. Good or Bad they
must be removed, when discovered, because we can never assume
anything about others, for others. This is not a contradiction
because I specified "temporarily tolerated" because the "spirit
of those things" that are, themselves, wrong, allow us to
examine briefly certain kinds of errors not possible, with
conventional logic.
G P duBerger
Coming Soon
Top of Page
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Part 5 - The Privatization and De-privatization Of The Universe.
Related According To The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
H is For
According to Principles in Art
Artist knows, that if he takes the fly out of the
equation, no one can see both at the same time,
the viewer must make his choice and sometimes,
the choice is already pre-made/pre-programmed for
the viewer, by society. This programming that is
supposed to answer everything crashes, because it
cannot decide for you. The viewer is invariably
disturbed by this because a pestilence was the
only thing that provided an anchor to the truth,
to distinguish such a simple dichotomy. The
"Soul" and the viewer's "Spirit" is awakened from
its long slumber, after eating a poisoned apple
long ago in a garden somewhere, because only it
knows the truth and must guide the intransigent
mind out of this conundrum and back into a
carefully, orchestrated and conducted existence
that has little to do with reality or creativity.
When this is achieved, the soul is turned off
again like any machine would be and civilization
can go on once again and go about Its
Part 6